1. Overview
  2. Vendor
  3. Setting up Triggers

Setting up Triggers

Triggers are the workflows where certain action is performed when some event occurs.

In bufferloop, you can use triggers to setup offers for your partner.

Creating A Trigger

  1. Login to your vendor panel
  2. From left navigation, click on 'Triggers'
  3. Click on 'Create' button
  4. Giver trigger A name
  5. Select event, actio, assign groups and set rules
  6. Click 'Create & activate' button to create trigger.

Here you can not change the event, action and rules after creating a trigger but you can change the status of a trigger.

You can Active,Pause or Archive the the tigger.

Configure Triggers

Trigger Events

  1. Transaction created
  2. Signup created
  3. Lead close won
  4. Deal close won

Trigger Actions

  1. Generate a reward
  2. Ghange A Group

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