1. Overview
  2. Partner
  3. Joining Partner Program

Joining Partner Program

In this article, we will learn how a partner can join a program.


Joining a partner program is easy.

1) Login to your Bufferloop partner account.

2) From partner dashboard, Click on marketplace where you can see a list of partner programs.

3) Once you decide which program you want to promote simply hit the 'Join program'  button.



4) Now you will be redirect to the partner onboarding form where vendor/program collect information about you before accepting your request.



5) Once you sent the request, vendor validates the information and choose whether to accept or decline your request.

6) If Vendor Accepts your request then you will be notified via an email and you can access their program dashboard and start sharing the links and earn rewards.

7) But if vendor declines the request then you will be notified via email and you can see the reason in the dashboard. but don't worry you can rejoin the program. You can sent request maximum of 3 time. Or you can contact vendor.



Here vendor/program has option to whether enable/disable onboarding form.

If vendor did not enabled the onboarding form then your request will be sent directly.


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